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   克鲁勃润滑剂可为各个工业制造提供个性化的润滑解决方案:从应用于食品加工业的NSF-H1食品级润滑剂,到满足纺织针织行业后处理需求的易清洗润滑剂; 或是应用于木材加工业,具备高温热稳定性的润滑剂。

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PARALIQ 91 是一种基于合成酯油的食品级润滑油,已开发用作罐头、模具、砧板和其他与食品接触的固体表面的脱模剂。PARALIQ 91 的气..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klüber Madol 915 N

在针织行业,对产品质量的一致性、材料的兼容性、耐磨性和可洗性的要求越来越严格。通过克鲁勃 Madol 900 N 油,我们为您提供了一个..

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Kluber Klüberpharma UH1 4-460

Klüberpharma UH1 4-220/4-460 是专门设计的合成润滑油,用于制药压片机中的钢冲头和青铜导轨的润滑,特别是在高性能片剂制造领域。..

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Kluber Klüberfood 4 NH1-15

Klüberfood 4 NH 1-15...100 油是基于合成烃的液压油。由于采用合成基础油,Klüberfood NH 1 油具有良好的氧化稳定性、良好的低..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klüber Summit R 200


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Kluber OPTAPLUS AO 140

OPTAPLUS AO 润滑脂是基于合成烃油的粘性阻尼润滑脂。它们含有硅酸盐作为增稠剂。..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klüberfood 4 NH1-100

Klüberfood 4 NH 1-15...100 油是基于合成烃的液压油。由于采用合成基础油,Klüberfood NH 1 油具有良好的氧化稳定性、良好的低..

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Kluber Klüber Madol 900 Supreme

Klüber Madol 900 Supreme 油以矿物油和特殊添加剂为基础。它们具有不同的粘度,可用于圆机或横机。..

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Kluber Klüberpaste UH1 96-402 Spray

Klüberpaste UH1 96-402 Spray 是一种高温糊剂,专为卫生敏感环境中的多种组装目的而设计。它包含全合成基础油和陶瓷固体润滑剂的..

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Kluber Klüber Summit R 100


How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Oil Condition Analysis Vacuum

OPTAPLUS AO 润滑脂是基于合成烃油的粘性阻尼润滑脂。它们含有硅酸盐作为增稠剂。..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klüberfluid UH1 4-1500

Klüberfluid UH1 4-1500 适用于食品加工业链条的初始润滑。Klüberfluid UH1 4-1500 具有出色的抗磨损性能,具有很强的粘性并提供..

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