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   克鲁勃润滑剂可为各个工业制造提供个性化的润滑解决方案:从应用于食品加工业的NSF-H1食品级润滑剂,到满足纺织针织行业后处理需求的易清洗润滑剂; 或是应用于木材加工业,具备高温热稳定性的润滑剂。

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Kluber Klübersynth DB 2-68

Klübersynth DB 2 油是基于酯油和合成烃混合物的合成润滑油。它们旨在用于低温和高温应用。产品配方中不使用有机硅。凭借其添加..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersynth DB 2-32

Klübersynth DB 2 油是基于酯油和合成烃混合物的合成润滑油。它们旨在用于低温和高温应用。产品配方中不使用有机硅。凭借其添加..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersynth DB 2-18

Klübersynth DB 2 油是基于酯油和合成烃混合物的合成润滑油。它们旨在用于低温和高温应用。产品配方中不使用有机硅。凭借其添加..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersynth DB 2-150

Klübersynth DB 2 油是基于酯油和合成烃混合物的合成润滑油。它们旨在用于低温和高温应用。产品配方中不使用有机硅。凭借其添加..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersynth CZ 2-85


How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersynth CTH 2-260 Supreme

Klübersynth CTH 2-260 Supreme 是在 Klüber 先前为纺织工业生产的高温油的基础上不断改进而开发的,旨在满足热稳定性方面日益苛..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersynth CTH 2-260

纺织工业需要具有更高热稳定性和更长再润滑间隔的高温链条油。考虑到这些要求,我们开发了合成高温链条油 Klübersynth CTH 2-260..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersynth CP 2-260

在链条上形成油蒸气、烟雾和残留物,以及由此产生的磨损,会对机器的可靠、连续运行构成风险。出于这个原因,克鲁勃润滑油开发了 Klüb..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersynth CHZ 2-225


How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersynth CHX 2-220

KLUBERSYNTH CHX 2-220特别是与发达国家的高温油诀窍一个领先的汽车涂料生产商的。由于它拥有现代化的阴极浸漆系统的兼容性,提高..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersynth CHM 2-220

Klübersynth CHM 2 系列的高温油是基于酯混合物制造的。这些全合成油显示出良好的磨损保护、低残留物(可溶于新鲜油)和高热稳定性..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersynth CHM 2-100

Klübersynth CHM 2 系列的高温油是基于酯混合物制造的。这些全合成油显示出良好的磨损保护、低残留物(可溶于新鲜油)和高热稳定性..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…


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