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   克鲁勃润滑剂可为各个工业制造提供个性化的润滑解决方案:从应用于食品加工业的NSF-H1食品级润滑剂,到满足纺织针织行业后处理需求的易清洗润滑剂; 或是应用于木材加工业,具备高温热稳定性的润滑剂。

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Kluber Klübersynth UH1 14-31

Klübersynth UH1 14-31 专为食品加工和制药行业开发。该润滑剂经过 NSF H1 注册,因此符合 FDA 21 CFR § 178.3570。使用 Klüber..

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Kluber Klübersynth UH1 14-222

Klübersynth UH1 14-222 是为满足食品加工和制药的特殊要求而开发的。Klübersynth UH1 14-222 已通过 NSF H1 注册,因此符合 FDA..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersynth UH1 14-1600

Klübersynth UH1 14-1600 是一种合成高性能润滑脂。它注册为 NSF H1 并符合 FDA 21 CFR Sec。178.3570。Klübersynth UH1 14-16..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…


ISOFLEX TOPAS NCA 52 是一种合成长期润滑脂,具有良好的低温性能。它具有良好的承载能力,即使在高速和加​​速度下也能确保平稳运..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersynth 80 KV

在现代织机中,高性能齿轮油有望在高生产速度下实现更长的维护间隔。正是考虑到这一趋势,我们开发了 Klübersynth 50 KV、80 KV 和 ..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersynth 50 KV

在现代织机中,高性能齿轮油有望在高生产速度下实现更长的维护间隔。正是考虑到这一趋势,我们开发了 Klübersynth 50 KV、80 KV 和 ..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersynth 100 KV

在现代织机中,高性能齿轮油有望在高生产速度下实现更长的维护间隔。正是考虑到这一趋势,我们开发了 Klübersynth 50 KV、80 KV 和 ..

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Kluber Klübersustain ZW 0-6

您是否在生产或运营中成功使用了我们创新的 Hydro Lubricants* 系列产品?那么,也许您现在正在寻找另一种产品来可靠地保护未润滑的..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

Kluber Klübersustain SA 42-41 OS


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Kluber Klübersustain OM 42-40 OS

Kluber Klübersustain OM 42-40 OS..

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Kluber Klübersustain LG 39-700 N


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Kluber Klübersustain GW 0-460


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