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Total 道达尔




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Total 道达尔

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胜科(CIRKAN) RO 150


How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

胜科(CIRKAN) RO 100


How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

胜科(CIRKAN) C 68


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复合铝基高温润滑脂OGL 0

COPAL OGL 0 是极压、极好粘附性、含有固体润滑剂的复合铝基开式齿轮脂,专门设计用于旋转滚筒传动的开式齿轮,单 / 双小齿轮回转窑..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

复合铝基高温润滑脂GEP 0

COPAL GEP 0 是一种专为工作在苛刻条件下的滚筒传动,单/ 双小齿轮回转窑和球磨机传动的开式齿轮设计的复合铝基润滑脂..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

科塔尔(CARTER) XEP 1000

CARTER XEP 是新一代润滑重负荷减速机的高性能润滑油。在微点蚀保护和防腐蚀性能方面,执行非常严格的技术规范。其特有的添加剂技..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

特瑞利(TORILIS) HC 2500

TORILIS HC是一种具有高粘度指数的纯矿基加氢裂化油</br>TORILIS HC是一种被许多行业用作加工油的矿物油</br>- 橡胶</br>- 塑料<..

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特瑞利(TORILIS) 7200

该产品为纯矿物油,可在各种工业中作为工艺用油,包括:</br>- 橡胶</br>- 塑料</br>- 纺织</br>- 皮革制造</br>- 油墨生产</br>也可..

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真空泵油PV SH 100

往复式或螺杆式真空泵的润滑</br>真空泵油 SH 100 是特殊配制的半合成油,适用于酸性和腐蚀性气体的抽真空</br>真空泵油 SH 100 是..

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真空泵油PV 100


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用于高性能钻岩风锤的润滑</br>用于气动工具,气动钻岩的在线润滑,适用于封闭空间 ( 例如矿井、</br>隧道等 )..

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合成冷冻机油ACD 68

该产品为多元醇酯合成油,适用于使用 HFC 类制冷剂的冷冻机。与所有 HFC 型制冷剂兼容,包括 R134a, R404A, R407C, R410A, R507,R23..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…


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