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Total 道达尔




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Total 道达尔

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冷冻机油K 68

适用于以 氨(R717)和R12、R22、R123、R502 为制冷剂的往复式、螺式或涡轮离心式压缩机的制冷及空调系统的润滑</br>应用范围:蒸发器..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

冷冻机油K 46

适用于以 氨(R717)和R12、R22、R123、R502 为制冷剂的往复式、螺式或涡轮离心式压缩机的制冷及空调系统的润滑</br>应用范围:蒸发器..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

冷冻机油K 32

适用于以 氨(R717)和R12、R22、R123、R502 为制冷剂的往复式、螺式或涡轮离心式压缩机的制冷及空调系统的润滑</br>应用范围:蒸发器..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…


药品和化妆品的成分</br>聚苯乙烯,外部润滑和其他食品级包装聚合物的增塑剂</br>弹性橡胶的扩链剂, 也用于粘合剂的配方</br>在食品..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

菲尼斯妲(FINAVESTAN) A 520 B

药品和化妆品的成分</br>聚苯乙烯,外部润滑和其他食品级包装聚合物的增塑剂</br>弹性橡胶的扩链剂, 也用于粘合剂的配方</br>在食品..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…


药品和化妆品的成分</br>聚苯乙烯,外部润滑和其他食品级包装聚合物的增塑剂</br>弹性橡胶的扩链剂, 也用于粘合剂的配方</br>在食品..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

菲尼斯妲(FINAVESTAN) A 360 B

药品和化妆品的成分</br>聚苯乙烯,外部润滑和其他食品级包装聚合物的增塑剂</br>弹性橡胶的扩链剂, 也用于粘合剂的配方</br>在食品..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

菲尼斯妲(FINAVESTAN) A 180 B

药品和化妆品的成分</br>聚苯乙烯,外部润滑和其他食品级包装聚合物的增塑剂</br>弹性橡胶的扩链剂, 也用于粘合剂的配方</br>在食品..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

预润滑防锈油B 5746

FINAROL B 5746可在常温下刷涂、浸泡、喷涂或者静电喷涂使用</br>FINAROL B 5746是一款具有金属成型能力的高性能防锈油..

How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

易多维(EQUIVIS) ZS 68


How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

易多维(EQUIVIS) ZS 46


How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…

易多维(EQUIVIS) ZS 32


How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…


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